All prices include GST.

The SSK Mini Forestry Mulcher range is designed to suit high and low flow mini loaders, small skid steer & remote-controlled mulcher/mowers, from 25-50 hp. The range has 2 new smaller additions, the TFK 50 & 70. Both these models require less power to run and can be used on smaller loaders. The motors a gear driven direct drive that don't require a case drain. They also come standard with an excavator hitch plate assembly, which means they are a dual-purpose mulcher that can be used on an excavator, or share with a friend...

Download Brochure Here 

The newly designed depth control rotor is designed to avoid stalling by limiting the depth of the cut. This helps maintain rotor speed, resulting in continuous mulching. 

SSK 50 SSK 70 SSK 90
Working Width cm 50 70 90
Total Width  75 85 100
Weight KG 250 290 320
Loader / Skid Steer HP 25-35 30-50 35-50
Piston Motor cc (Case Drain req) n n 25cc 
Gear Motor cc (Direct Drive, No Case Drain) 14cc 22cc n
Flow Rate L/Min 25-35 35 50
Bar (Pressure) 200 200 205
Rotor mm 200 200 200 
Rotor Bearings - Bronze Cage y y y
Pressure Gauge n n n
Anti-cavitation Valve y y y
Hammer Type - Fixed Carbide 21 27 33
Planer Knives - Optional 21 27 33
Belts 0 0 3
Hydraulic Hose 2 2 3
Hose Burst Protection y y y
Hydraulic Couplers n n y
Front Door y y n
Electrical Connector n n n
Front / Rear Safety Chains + rubber y y y
Rear Roller mm n n
Skids y y y
Max Shredding 120+ 120+ 120+
Counter Blades y y y
Hitch, Mini Loader y y y
Hitch, Excavator y y n
Plant Risk Assessment y y y
12 Month Warranty

Download the relevant product brochure below you wish. It will download to your computer once clicked.

Range Type Brochure Link
DHL Range Simatech Excavator Download DHL
EXH Range
OSMA Excavator
Download EXH
EXL Range
OSMA Excavator
Download EXL
TFK Range
OSMA Excavator

Download TFK

TFK 50

TFXL Range
OSMA Excavator
Download TFXL
TFL Range
OSMA Excavator
Download TFL
TFM Range
OSMA Excavator
Download TFM
TFS Range
OSMA Excavator
Download TFS
SF Range OSMA Skidsteer Download SF
SSQ Range
OSMA Skidsteer
Download SSQ
VML Range Simatech Mini Loader Download VML
SSK Mini Range Mini Loader Download SSK Mini
TSLQ Range Tractor Download TSLQ
TRF Range Tractor Download TRF
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